Build a Data Classification MVP for Microsoft 365

Kickstart your governance with data classification users will actually use!

  • Resources are the primary obstacle to getting a foothold in Microsoft 365 governance, whether it is funding or FTE resources.
  • Data is segmented and is difficult to analyse when you can’t see it or manage the relationships between sources.
  • Organisations expect results early and quickly and a common obstacle is that building a proper data classification framework can take more than two years and the business can't wait that long.
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Critical Insight

  • Data classification is the lynchpin to ANY effective governance of Microsoft 365 and your objective is to navigate through this easily and effectively and build a robust, secure, and viable governance model.
  • Start your journey by identifying what and where your data is and how much data you have. You need to understand what sensitive data you have and where it is stored before you can protect it or govern that data.
  • Ensure there is a high-level leader who is the champion of the governance objective.

Impact and Result

  • Using least complex sensitivity labels in your classification are your building blocks to compliance and security in your data management schema; they are your foundational steps.

Questions you need to ask

Four key questions to kick off your MVP

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Know Your Data

Do you know where your critical and sensitive data resides and what is being done with it? Trying to understand where your information is can be a significant project.
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Protect Your Data

Do you have control of your data as it traverses across the organisation and externally to partners? You want to protect information wherever it goes through encryption, etc.
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Prevent Data Loss

Are you able to detect unsafe activities that prevent sharing of sensitive information? Data loss prevention (DLP) is the practice of detecting and preventing data breaches, exfiltration, or unwanted destruction of sensitive data.
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Govern Your Data

Are you using multiple solutions (or any) to classify, label, and protect sensitive data? Many organisations use more than one solution to protect and govern their data, making it difficult to determine if there are any coverage gaps.

Classification tiers

Build your schema

05 classification tiers pyramid

Microsoft MIP Topology

Microsoft Information Protection (MIP), which is part of Microsoft’s Data Classification Services, is the key to achieving your governance goals. Without an MVP, data classification will be overwhelming; simplifying is the first step in achieving governance.

06 diagram a platform of offerings

Discover and classify on-premises files using AIP

Azure Information Protection scanner helps discover, classify, label, and protect sensitive information in on-premises file servers. You can run the scanner and get immediate insight into risks with on-premises data. Discover mode helps you identify and report on files containing sensitive data (Microsoft Inside Track and CIAOPS, 2022). Enforce mode automatically classifies, labels, and protects files with sensitive data.

AIP helps you manage sensitive data prior to migrating to Office 365:

  • Use discover mode to identify and report on files containing sensitive data.
  • Use enforce mode to automatically classify, label, and protect files with sensitive data.

Can be configured to scan:

  • SMB files
  • SharePoint Server 2016, 2013
  • Map your network and find over-exposed file shares.
  • Protect files using MIP encryption.
  • Inspect the content in file repositories and discover sensitive information.
  • Classify and label file per MIP policy.

Understanding Governance

Microsoft Information Governance

Information Governance

  • Retention policies for workloads
  • Inactive and archive mailboxes

Arrow pointing down-right

Records Management

  • Retention labels for items
  • Disposition review

Arrow pointing down-left

Retention and Deletion

Connectors for Third-Party Data

Information governance manages your content lifecycle using solutions to import, store, and classify business-critical data so you can keep what you need and delete what you do not. Backup should not be used as a retention methodology since information governance is managed as a “living entity” and backup is a stored information block that is “suspended in time.

Records management uses intelligent classification to automate and simplify the retention schedule for regulatory, legal, and business-critical records in your organisation. It is that discrete set of content that needs to be immutable.

Retention and Backup Policy Decision

Retention is not backup

Jacana IT Insight

Retention is not backup. Retention means something different:

“the content must be available for discovery and legal document production while being able to defend its provenance, chain of custody, and its deletion or destruction” (AvePoint Blog, 2021).

Microsoft Responsibility (Microsoft Protection) Weeks to Months.

Loss of service due to natural disaster or data center outage

Loss of service due to hardware or infrastructure failure

Short-term  (30 days) user error with recycle bin/version history (including OneDrive “File Restore”)

Short-term (14 days) administrative error with soft-delete for groups, mailboxes, or service-led rollback

Customer Responsibility (DLP, Backup, Retention Policy) Months to Years.

Loss of data due to departing employees or deactivated accounts

Loss of data due to malicious insiders or hackers deleting content

Loss of data due to malware or ransomware

Recovery from prolonged outages

Long-term accidental deletion coverage with selective rollback

Understand Retention Policy

What are retention policies used for? Why do you need them as part of your MVP?

Do not confuse retention labels and policies with backup.

Remember: “retention [policies are] auto-applied whereas retention label policies are only applied if the content is tagged with the associated retention label” (AvePoint Blog, 2021).

Data retention policy tools enable a business to:

  • Decide proactively whether to retain content, delete content, or retain and then delete the content when needed.
  • Apply a policy to all content or just content meeting certain conditions, such as items with specific keywords or specific types of sensitive information.
  • Apply a single policy to the entire organisation or specific locations or users.
  • Maintain discoverability of content for lawyers and auditors, while protecting it from change or access by other users. […] ‘Retention Policies’ are different to ‘Retention Label Policies’ – they do the same thing – but a retention policy is auto-applied, whereas retention label policies are only applied if the content is tagged with the associated retention label.

“It is also important to remember that ‘Retention Label Policies’ do not move a copy of the content to the ‘Preservation Holds’ folder until the content under policy is changed next.” (Source: AvePoint Blog, 2021)


Data classification is a focused term used in the fields of cybersecurity and information governance to describe the process of identifying, categorising, and protecting content according to its sensitivity or impact level. In its most basic form, data classification is a means of protecting your data from unauthorised disclosure, alteration, or destruction based on how sensitive or impactful it is.

Once data is classified, you can then create policies; sensitive data types, trainable classifiers, and sensitivity labels function as inputs to policies. Policies define behaviors, like if there will be a default label, if labeling is mandatory, what locations the label will be applied to, and under what conditions. A policy is created when you configure Microsoft 365 to publish or automatically apply sensitive information types, trainable classifiers, or labels.

Sensitivity label policies show one or more labels to Office apps (like Outlook and Word), SharePoint sites, and Office 365 groups. Once published, users can apply the labels to protect their content

Data loss prevention (DLP) policies help identify and protect your organisation’s sensitive info (Microsoft Docs, April 2022). For example, you can set up policies to help make sure information in email and documents is not shared with the wrong people. DLP policies can use sensitive information types and retention labels to identify content containing information that might need protection.

Retention policies and retention label policies help you keep what you want and get rid of what you do not. They also play a significant role in records management.

Data examples for MVP classification

  • Examples of the type of data you consider to be Confidential, Internal, or Public.
  • This will help you determine what to classify and where it is.
Internal Personal, Employment, and Job Performance Data
  • Social Security Number
  • Date of birth
  • Marital status
  • Job application data
  • Mailing address
  • Resume
  • Background checks
  • Interview notes
  • Employment contract
  • Pay rate
  • Bonuses
  • Benefits
  • Performance reviews
  • Disciplinary notes or warnings
Confidential Information
  • Business and marketing plans
  • Company initiatives
  • Customer information and lists
  • Information relating to intellectual property
  • Invention or patent
  • Research data
  • Passwords and IT-related information
  • Information received from third parties
  • Company financial account information
  • Social Security Number
  • Payroll and personnel records
  • Health information
  • Self-restricted personal data
  • Credit card information
Internal Data
  • Sales data
  • Website data
  • Customer information
  • Job application data
  • Financial data
  • Marketing data
  • Resource data
Public Data
  • Press releases
  • Job descriptions
  • Marketing material intended for general public
  • Research publications

New Container Sensitivity Labels (MIP)

New Container Sensitivity Labels



  1. Membership to group is open; anyone can join
  2. “Everyone except external guest” ACL onsite; content available in search to all tenants


  1. Only owner can add members
  2. No access beyond the group membership until someone shares it or changes permissions

External guest policy


  1. Membership to group is open; anyone can join
  2. “Everyone except external guest” ACL onsite; content available in search to all tenants

Not Allowed

  1. Only owner can add members
  2. No access beyond the group membership until someone shares it or changes permissions

What users will see when they create or label a Team/Group/Site

15 table what users will see

Why you need sensitivity container labels:

  • Manage privacy of Teams Sites and Microsoft 365 Groups
  • Manage external user access to SPO sites and teams
  • Manage external sharing from SPO sites
  • Manage access from unmanaged devices

Data Protection and Security Baselines

Data Protection Baseline

“Microsoft provides a default assessment in Compliance Manager for the Microsoft 365 data protection baseline” (Microsoft Docs, June 2022). This baseline assessment has a set of controls for key regulations and standards for data protection and general data governance. This baseline draws elements primarily from NIST CSF (National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization) as well as from FedRAMP (Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union).

Security Baseline

The final stage in Microsoft 365 governance is security. You need to implement a governance policy that clearly defines storage locations for certain types of data and who has permission to access it. You need to record and track who accesses content and how they share it externally. “Part of your process should involve monitoring unusual external sharing to ensure staff only share documents that they are allowed to” (Rencore, 2021).

Prerequisite Baseline


- MFA or SSO to access from anywhere, any device
- Banned password list
- BYOD sync with corporate network


- Sign out inactive users automatically
- Enable guest users
- External sharing
- Block client forwarding rules


- Account lockout threshold
- OneDrive
- SharePoint


- Sensitivity labels, retention labels and policies, DLP
- Mobile application management policy

Building Baselines

Sensitivity Profiles: Public, Internal, Confidential; Subcategory: Highly Confidential.

Microsoft 365 Collaboration Protection Profiles




Label details

Teams or Site details


Data that is specifically prepared for public consumption

  • No content marking
  • No encryption
  • Public site
  • External collaboration allowed
  • Unmanaged devices: allow full access

Public Team or Site open discovery, guests are allowed

External Collaboration

Not approved for public consumption, but OK for external collaboration

  • No content marking
  • No encryption
  • Private site
  • External collaboration allowed
  • Unmanaged devices: allow full access

Private Team or Site members are invited, guests are allowed


External collaboration highly discouraged and must be justified

  • Content marking
  • Encryption
  • Private site
  • External collaboration allowed but monitored
  • Unmanaged devices: limited web access

Private Team or Site members are invited, guests are allowed

Highly Confidential

Data of the highest sensitivity: avoid oversharing, internal collaboration only

  • Content marking
  • Encryption
  • Private site
  • External collaboration disabled
  • Unmanaged devices: block access

Private Team or Site members are invited, guests are not allowed

MVP activities

Define Your Governance

The objective of the MVP is reducing barriers to establishing an initial governance position, and then enabling rapid progression of the solution to address a variety of tangible risks, including DLP, data retention, legal holds, and labeling. Decide on your classification labels early.

Data Discovery and Management

AIP (Azure Information Protection) scanner helps discover, classify, label, and protect sensitive information in on-premises file servers. You can run the scanner and get immediate insight into risks with on-premises data.

Primary Activities

Baseline Setup

Building baseline profiles will be a part of your MVP. You will understand what type of information you are addressing and label it accordingly. Microsoft provides a default assessment in Compliance Manager for the Microsoft 365 data protection baseline.

Default Microsoft 365 settings

Microsoft provides a default assessment in Compliance Manager for the Microsoft 365 data protection baseline. This baseline assessment has a set of controls for key regulations and standards for data protection and general data governance.

Primary Activities

Retention Policy

Retention policy is auto-applied. Decide whether to retain content, delete content, or retain and then delete the content.

Sensitivity Labels

Automatically enforce policies on groups through labels; classify groups.

Workload Containers

Microsoft 365: SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and Exchange, where your data is stored for labels and policies.

Unforced Policies

Written policies that are not enforceable by controls in Compliance Manager such as acceptable use policy.

Forced Policies

Restrict sharing controls to outside organisations. Enforce prefix or suffix to group or team names.

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