Microsoft Effective License

Our process is designed to give you a better understanding of your Microsoft Effective License Position prior to making purchasing decisions.
This assessment is designed to:
• Document license entitlements and software deployment (including cloud licenses).
• Uncover license surpluses and deficits.
• Uncover license purchase vs assignment discrepancies
• Determine your ELP.

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Microsoft Effective License Position Assessment

An internal license and software asset management audit can help maintain compliance:

Determine License Entitlements

Obtain documentation from Microsoft and your reseller to determine what licenses you own and have the right to use.

Gather Deployment Information

Leverage a software asset management tool or process to determine what software is deployed and what is/is not being used.

Determine Effective License Position

Compare license entitlements with deployment data to uncover surpluses and deficits in licensing. Look for opportunities to reassign unused licenses.

Plan Changes to License Position

Meet with IT stakeholders to discuss the Effective License Position, short and long-term project plans, and budget allocation. Plan and document licensing requirements.

The Effective License Position (ELP) is the difference between the number of software licenses owned and the number of software copies or licenses deployed. This is particularly relevant for cloud licenses where owned licenses are often incorrectly assigned to users.


We use multiple sources of data to build out your Effective License Position:

Volume Licensing Service Center

We obtain licensing entitlements and SA benefits in the VLSC. We examine past transactions and contract purchase history and financial records.

SAM Tool (SCCM or similar)

If a SAM (Software Asset Management) tool is not currently in use or certain functionality is not available in your existing tool, we deploy Microsoft’s free tool, the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit, which will fulfill both functions.

Purchase Orders

There’s a chance that not everything you’ve purchased will show up on the VLSC. We double check your purchasing orders to make sure the information there is consistent.

Cloud Usage

We review your Office 365 tenancy to assess license subscriptions against actual license assignments and product usage.

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