End User Sentiment towards IT Services and Software.

Services optimisation is nearly impossible to perform without an honest and thorough understanding of end user sentiment towards IT services and software.

Develop data driven insights to help decide what IT services need to be addressed to meet the demands of the business.

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Benefits of The Program

Evaluate IT core service capabilities

Evaluate relative importance of, and satisfaction with, core IT services, broken down by seniority level, and highlight key departments where improvements are needed.

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Assess Business Enablement and IT Communication.

Evaluate end user perspective on company innovation, IT agility, and satisfaction with how technology enables them do their job. Identify opportunities to improve the reputation of IT, both across the organisation and within specific departments.

Assess IT receptivity for end users’ feedback and ability to deliver timely and targeted training, ensure end users feel they are being heard and are given the skills to use the technology that IT provides.

Provide Targeted Department Feedback

Share end user satisfaction and importance rating of core IT services, IT communications and business enablement to focus on the right end user groups or lines of business, and ramp up satisfaction and productivity.

Discover Application Satisfaction

Combine the End User Satisfaction Program with our Application Portfolio Assessment to capture end user sentiment on both satisfaction and your suite of applications.

What's Next is Up to You

All activities are optional and should be completed as you see fit.

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